James Marrugo
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Short Business Description
Morning Coffee Counseling LLC provides counseling for Professional Men struggling with perfectionism, stress, anger, and leadership skills.
Long Business Description

Are you here because you are a professional man who is struggling and cannot seem to find the solution? With so much to do and so little time, you do not have the luxury to wait as your time is a precious resource.  You scrutinize the smallest of details to make sure everything is perfect. The work that you do is very important and each task has a specific goal. Your ability to be logical is what has gotten you this far so it makes sense that you leave your emotions at the door when it comes to important decisions. You work long hours and sometimes this gets in the way of sleep. You are not afraid to put in elbow grease and make sacrifices if it means you can get one step closer to your goal.

By working with me you will build the necessary skills and tools to get rid of your self-doubt, fears, and stress. You will learn new ways to build self-discipline to keep you on your desired path regardless of your future challenges. Your self-confidence will rise with each meeting as you begin to realize a stronger more efficient version of yourself. Turning your visions into reality will seem less daunting as you build new skill sets as you receive recognition from others around you both at work and at home.

As a first-generation American and the first to obtain a Master's degree while also being the first and only member of the family to become an entrepreneur, I understand the importance and value of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. I also understand the mental and emotional toll being a successful professional brings along. The late nights, the constant pressure to produce results, the guilt and shame for not exceeding expectations, and the sense of responsibility if anything goes wrong. The requirement of successful high-achievers is stamina. I understand the importance of managing your burnout. With enough stamina to keep pushing, glorious achievements await you. Book your first appointment to begin your journey into greatness.

My role as your counselor is to shine a light on your blind spots. Your blind spots are the areas in your life where the solutions to your problems reside. By building your self-awareness you can begin to generate positive change in your life. When you generate positive change, you create growth, and with growth comes healing. With enough healing, your pain points become less painful and this creates space for more success and joy.

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6200 South Syracuse Way
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